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I could sense the old guys looking at me and no wonder!My little grey skirt was at mini skirt length, exposing almost the full length of my slender bare legs.I had totally sexed up my school uniform, topping the slut look with my high heels, they must have gotten quite a nice sight as I waggled my way down the aisle.As I got near to the stairs I decided to be a little bit naughty. Deliberately on purpose I dropped my bus ticket, sighed, and then bent over to pick it up. This was done as an act of wicked teasing by me. I knew the old guys would get a view of may arse as I did so. I made sure I stayed bent over far longer than I needed too, revelling in my dirty teasing of this pair of dirty old men. I hoped they would both get a thrill and a stiffy form the sight of my teen arse and from the sight of me in such a short mini skirt and heels. As I straightened up I turned to catch them both smiling at me..."Nice legs sweetheart", one of the old guys said to me as I stood preparing to. She’d opened a window; all I needed to do was climb in.Session B23: I’d spent the rest of our last session implanting memories of a crush that Marcie had had on me forever. It wasn’t hard—perhaps I was just getting better at it. Snippets here, snippets there, tie them all together, and then wake her up slowly and suddenly she believes that she’s been wanting me her whole life. I even managed to tie it into the first time we hypothetically hooked up, altering the memory I’d already implanted, making our first kiss the culmination of years of her desiring me.Now, to see if all that work had paid off.“Marcie.”“Mmm?”“What did you think about the last time you masturbated?”“You fucking me.”“What do you think about every time you masturbate?”“You fucking me.”“How long have you been doing that?”“Years.”“How many years?”“As long as I’ve known you.”I took a deep breath, and asked the ten thousand dollar question.“Hypothetical: we’re fooling around. You’ve just started going down on me, and I.
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